Getting Ready For Winter Part 3! I can’t believe that Winter is almost here! I must admit that this is my least favorite season. The best way to make any situation better is being prepared. So let’s get ready for Winter together!
Getting Ready For Winter Part 3
The first thing you need to do is get your home ready for Winter. Looking at a giant to-do list is overwhelming. To save frustration, break it down into two or three jobs you can tackle over the next three to four weekends.
First up, windows. Check each one in the house for drafts and insulation needs. The following week, inspect pipes to avoid an unfortunate burst in January. You can make things even easier by dividing the job among the family. Assign each person a room to inspect and report back on whether it’s ready for winter. I truly believe that the more a family works together, the closer they become.
Second, find things that you can do as a family. The problem I have with Winter is that it’s so cold and it’s hard to find things to do as a family. So what do you do to keep your family entertained? Here are a few ideas that you can do as a family and make memories at the same time!
Camp out inside: If you have an unfinished basement, you can set up a tent and sleeping bags. You can make hot dogs, popcorn and s’mores and watch a movie. The next morning, it’s time for pancakes served at the tent site!
Picnic time! Relive the warm and lazy days of summer by cooking up a batch of your favorite summer foods. Enjoy everything together while dining on a blanket spread out on the floor.

Exercise your mind: Take advantage of the cozy factor of winter and snuggle up with robes and read a good book in front of the fire!
Revive of favorites: Turn off the TV and video games and get together for an old-fashioned game night. You will make memories galore!
Get Active: Try a good old fashion snowball fight! I found these soft material snowballs on Amazon and kids and adults alike have loved them! The best part, you don’t have to get cold!
Bond with family: Every other week we gather at my house to have Sunday dinner. It keeps us updated on each other’s lives. We also go visit my husband’s parents each Sunday. I think kids need to learn from each of the generations and that they are loved by so many!
Chopped: Have you ever watched the show Chopped on the Food Network? We have done this as a family a couple of times, and it was so much fun! My husband and I make up the secret baskets and then give them a time limit. It’s amazing what they will come up with!
I would love to hear from you about what you do in the Winter months! Don’t be shy, share with us!
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Family time is always fun but people tend to stay in more often when it’s cold so family time is probably easier to have.