Cassie’s Friday Favorites

Cassie’s Friday Favorites

It’s that time of the week once again, Cassie’s Friday Favorites are all the things we love, we need and what we can’t live without!


Cassie's Friday Favorites #fridayfavorites #fridayfavs #productreviews

Cassie’s Friday Favorites



CraftyHolidayHelper - Etsy

Favorite #1 – Crafty Holiday Helper – I mentioned this site yesterday in my post for the Elf on a Shelf Kit where everything is planned out for you. Again it’s amazing, but they do other holiday’s as well! You should go check out their website!



Easy-View Microscope ~ Lakeshore Learning Review


Favorite #2 – Lakeshore Learning – I feel like my kids have a lot of toys and we love to get them STEAM toys so they have a good mix. This site/store is really good at sorting the toys into age groups. They have a lot of really great stuff. We have really loved looking through their stuff and finding stuff that our kids can do. Great gifts for Christmas. 




Favorite #3 – Connetix – This website has some really fun magnetiles. Sawyer is obsessed with building with them and he likes to build houses. He also loves my grandma’s marble run and so he could build his own run. These are really cool and they say they work with all other types of magnetiles so their site is definitely worth looking at. 



Favorite #4 – Shopping Cart Toy – We got this cute shopping cart for Ellie this year. She loves to push things around and put things in and out of carts and strollers. She is going to love this and it will go super well with her kitchen that she always plays with!


Cassie’s Friday Favorites

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