Its a Mom Thing Challenge Week 2! Hello Fellow Mothers! Thanks for joining us for the, It’s a mom thing challenge. We will be challenging you every day of the month of March. Hopefully, we all can come out of this month feeling like a Superhero!
Its a Mom Thing Challenge Week 2
This is Cassie and I am in charge of week 2 of our It’s a Mom Thing challenge! Join our Facebook group for lots of extra tips, reminders, and support throughout all of March. Week 2 of our It’s a mom thing challenge is going to be all about Staying Sane as Working Mom! I am by no means an expert, but here are some tips and tricks that I have learned as my short time as a working Mom! If you have any tips you’d like to share I’d love to hear them! Head over to Facebook Group and share them there!
I feel like I’m always tired, rushed and I never know what is wrong with my child. When I feel like I’m just barely making it I just talk to my fellow mom’s. Here are the 10-minute challenges for this week to help you! Please speak up! We would love for you to share, give advice, ask questions and find support! We are all in this together!
Challenge 5: Find someone to talk to! – I have questions literally every minute of everyday. I need all the help I can get. Obviously, I have my mom and sister’s but luckily for me, I work with the greatest people on the planet. The ladies I work with help me through some of my struggles. You can also find Facebook groups like ours where you can talk out your feelings. Find someone you can talk to, judgement free.
Challenge 6: Set Daily Realistic Goals – I’m a huge list person. If your list is too ambitious then it is absolutely useless. Make goals of things you want to get done and don’t be afraid to delegate. It’s okay if you don’t finish all your goals but it does help if you set goals that you could complete in a perfect day! Keep in mind, lack of sleep the night before or a long day at work may effect your list.
Challenge 7: Let Go of Perfection – First of all, no one is perfect. Decide what you can live with and let some things go. Instead of obsessively keeping a spotless house pick one room to deep clean each day. Kids are maniacs and they may mess up your perfect plan so you need to just go with the flow sometimes.
Challenge 8: Take a Break from Social Media – Yes this may seem a little weird coming from a blog slash Facebook challenge, but there are times where I’ll start looking at Instagram and an hour will go by. I’ll then be like, what the?! Be present! I know that sometimes we need to unwind and we all have our thing, Matt’s is Pinterest, but we need to be present in the moment. If you need to set aside time to be on social media then do it. Be there when hubby and kids are there.

Challenge 9: Take Time for You – You can’t be the best Mom if you don’t have time to take care of yourself or do what makes you happy! I love to exercise! A good long shower or bath! Baking! Set aside to do what you love or what you need to do to remain sane. You won’t be a good mom unless you are happy.
Challenge 10: Delegate – Spread the love. You don’t need to do everything yourself. Your husband should be your PIC (Partner In Crime) like mine is, and if not him find your support system. I find that a lot of time when I was the head coach of the softball team I did everything myself. I had assistants and players, I just hated asking them to help me. I do not know why?! Just do it and save yourself the struggles.
Challenge 11: Learn to say No – You are talented and I’m sure people are asking you to do things all the time. Learn to say No. It’s okay to say No to things you don’t have time to. You can be nice and still say No.