Outdoor Christmas Garland Decor

Outdoor Christmas Garland Decor

Here’s an Outdoor Christmas Garland Decor idea for you! It may be too late for some, but those who are still getting things up, You Are Welcome!


Outdoor Christmas Garland Decor

Outdoor Christmas Garland Decor

This Christmas is the first one in our new home. I never decorated our rental home because I never knew how long we would be living there. I didn’t want to spend money on decorations that were never going to fit or match our new home. I also felt like it was a waste of money because I would want all new stuff in our house. 

I was super excited this year to decorate our house for Christmas. We have to do a little at a time but I wanted to do something fun. I searched all over Pinterest and on the internet everywhere and I could not seem to find much if anything that I liked. So, here is what we came up with. 

We bought garland on Wayfair.com that was Cashmere and what not. We were disappointed because it was $20 for nine feet and it looked super full in the picture and when it came it was not full. Since it was almost December 1st, I didn’t want to bother sending it back so we went and bought Rochester artificial pine 9 feet for $5. We wound them together to get a fuller look. 

I bought velvet outdoor ribbon on Amazon and it was $25 for 50 yards. Then the berries we $3 a sprig at Walmart. The pinecone I can’t remember where we bought them because they were a few years old we had them in our basement. I felt like they were a nice addition. I hope this can help inspire you!


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