Hello, New Year Challenge!

Join our Hello, New Year Challenge throughout January and you’ll be conquering the new year like a beast!

Hello, New Year Challenge

Hey! Kimberly here. I am in charge of week 1 for our hello, New Year Challenge! Join our Facebook group for lots of extra tips, reminders, and support throughout all of January. Week 1 of our hello, New Year Challenge is going to be all about YOU!  Get ready to make some lists and check them twice!! 

A lot of us have taken the time to make our New Year resolutions and that is so great, but we decided that if we take the time to break down the things in our lives that are important we might be able to make them stick! Here are the 10-minute challenges for this week to help you be more organized and have a fresh start for the new year!

Challenge One: Pick a hashtag that will define your year! ????
I was watching the Today Show this morning and there was a family that chooses a word to define their family each year. They had chosen #lovemore for 2018. It’s amazing how one simple phrase can make such a difference in each of our lives. Take a few minutes and decide what your own personal # will be for this year.

Challenge Two: Do something you love each day! As women, every person in our lives needs come before our own. By the time the end of the day rolls around, there are times that we don’t even know if we have brushed our own teeth!????

The 10-minute challenge for today is making a list of things that you love!❤️❤️
It can be as simple as painting your toenails, going to Sodailious for a Diet Coke or watching something other than Cars 3! ????????

Challenge Three: Grateful Journal!  

You can purchase one from the Dollar store or you can just grab paper around the house.Just take 10 minutes a day to write down what you are thankful for. Nothing negative is allowed! I know that some days this is so hard to find the good but trust me it will change your whole year! ????????

Challenge Four: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone! 

January is a hard month for me because it doesn’t feel like there is anything to look forward to, so this is perfect for me! Think of something that you have always wanted to learn to do. Take 10 minutes or more to do the research to find out how you can make it happen! Make a vision board so you can see it. Every time you accomplish something new put the picture into your success folder.
What is it? Piano, dancing, painting, run a marathon, fix the car?
Challenge Five: YOU day! When was the last time you had your hair done or you have gotten a pedicure? The holidays were hard work and now you need a little “me” time. If you don’t have the time or the money for this, take a long hot bubble bath or read your favorite book and relax!
Challenge Six: Spiritual! If you attend church regularly or if it’s your own personal thing, take 10 minutes a day to grow spiritually. Set up a daily scripture study, meditation or take 10 minutes to reflect on the things that are important to you.

18 thoughts on “Hello, New Year Challenge!”

  1. I started doing challenge 3 in 2017 by getting the 5 minute journal app. Each morning it asks for 3 things that you are grateful for. Initially you really have to think about it. Now I can rattle of 5+ things easily!

  2. I make it a point to get in some “me” time every day, but this mama could always use more. I am off to schedule a pedicure appointment now 🙂

  3. Nice challenges! This will start my new year better! This is the perfect time to turn things positive.

  4. I will take up the challenge of reading a scripture a day. I don’t go to church for now but I have a close relationship with God but I have been not good at reading the bible lately.

  5. how fun, and what a lovely challenge! I have been working on my goals and I am totally working towards health this year. I like the idea of picking my own hashtag too, that seems fun

  6. Love the hashtag idea and I’ve got a full year of challenges ahead of me. I’m excited and scared all at the same time. HNY to you.

  7. Thats a wonderful challenge and I’d definitely try doing this along with my girlfriends. I think we all need some motivation to get out of our monotonous schedule and try something like this.

  8. Your challenges are awesome! I have my own set of challenges this coming new year that helps me to declutter my home and my life. So far I am doing good at my word.

  9. These are great challenges! I totally need to make a “me” day. Taking care of a home and children, and running a business definitely get’s overwhelming and it would be nice to take at least some time to relax.

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