Easy Getting Ready to Head Back to School

Getting Ready to Head Back to School

Getting Ready to Head Back to School this year is going to be a little different. As a teacher, this is my game plan to get ready each year for the school year!

Getting Ready to Head Back to School


Getting Ready to Head Back to School


Getting to go back to school is going to be a little more difficult because my entire world has been turned upside with the birth of our little man-cub. Usually, I have been in and out of high school all summer getting things ready. Not so much this summer, I had a C-section and that made me take six weeks to heal up. I’m finally almost hitting that six-week mark and I am feeling overwhelmed. 

Here is what I need to do in order to be ready for school. First, we finally got baby G a daycare and I am super happy with our choice. I know that some people may think that I should stay home and watch my man-cub, but this is what has felt right for us. Everything has fallen into place and I know that I am doing the right thing for our little family. I need to get all G’s things put together for his daycare, diapers, wipes, and maybe even formula. If anyone knows where I can buy the cheapest diapers that’d be amazing! 

Second, I need to get my lesson plans in order and all of my supplies. Lucky for me teaching for the last eight years has made my prep a little easier. However, I like to change it up a little every year, not only to keep it interesting for myself but also to keep my lessons up to date. I have two weeks to get things started.

Third, obviously, I need some new clothes since I am down 30 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. Also, Matt needs some new clothes for his new job, we are so excited to get going in our new life. We are looking for a house and are so excited about how well things are turning out for us.

Last, I need to start putting freezer meals together. Don’t worry I will post about them for your viewing pleasure. I have two weeks to put together my shopping list and meals together. 


1 thought on “Easy Getting Ready to Head Back to School”

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