Best DIY Skin Care for Oily Skin

Best DIY Skin Care for Oily Skin

Best DIY Skin Care for Oily Skin


If you have skin that is anything like mine, then you suffer from oil overload. For my entire life I have wondered what it would be like to be one of those girls who frequently spoke the words “oh, I need some lotion” or “I just put on my face moisturizer”.

Instead, I frequently say things like, “oh, it looks like I just ran a marathon” or “my eyeliner is running like I just got out of the pool”.

My oily face issues were solved for the most part by some dermatologist prescribed medications, but I recently found out that I am pregnant and the medication isn’t really meant to be taken while pregnant.

I freaked out of course and started researching home remedies. Lucky for me I stumbled upon this MIRACLE combination. It works EVEN BETTER than the prescriptions I was taking, and is way cheaper, easier, and safe for my baby! The baking soda soaks up the oil and exfoliates, and the aloe heals blemishes as well as moisturizes without adding oil.


Best DIY Skin Care for Oily Skin

Step 1: Scrub With Baking Soda

Wet face, then gently buff on dry baking soda. It will stick to the moisture already on your skin. Leave on for 2-5 minutes, then rub/rinse off. (I do this when I shower)
Do this daily to exfoliate and remove dead skin, dirt, and of course, oil!


Step 2: Repair Skin with Aloe

Put a thin layer of aloe vera all over your face. Add more to trouble areas. (I do this after I shower and then let it soak into my skin as I sleep.)
It is a myth that people with oily skin don’t need to moisturize. Aloe Vera is the perfect moisturizer for oily skin because it doesn’t create that greasy feeling. It also reduces skin inflammations and helps the skin heal more rapidly. 
Good Luck!!
Bonus Tip: I also recently switched my foundation to a dry powder matte foundation and it does wonders for my skin!

8 thoughts on “Best DIY Skin Care for Oily Skin”

  1. I love little things like this. Rather than spending a fortune on special made products you can make something cheaper, and probably healthier, by yourself! Thanks for sharing the tip with us at Snickerdoodle Sunday.

  2. Interesting. I always like to find out how I can do things healthier. Not to mention saving money. I have sensitive skin so I have to be careful what I put on it.

  3. Taking care of our skin is an essential part of our overall well-being and self-care routine. As someone who values the importance of healthy and radiant skin, I couldn’t agree more with the significance of prioritizing skin care.

  4. If you have skin that is anything like mine, then you suffer from oil overload. For my entire life I have wondered what it would be like to be one of those girls who frequently spoke the words “oh, I need some lotion” or “I just put on my face moisturizer”.

  5. My oily face issues were solved for the most part by some dermatologist prescribed medications, but I recently found out that I am pregnant and the medication isn’t really meant to be taken while pregnant.

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