Walking In Wonder Woman’s Footsteps

Walking In Wonder Woman’s Footsteps

Walking In Wonder Woman’s Footsteps! Do you have a Wonder Woman in your life? 

Walking In Wonder Woman's Footsteps

Walking In Wonder Woman’s Footsteps

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life and trying to stay ahead of work, family, and church obligations, sometimes I need to be reminded that I’m on the right path, and wonderful women before me conquered life and blessed so many in their path.  I come from a family with strong, independent women, who did everything they could for their families and those around them.

When I was in first grade, my great-grandma was in a rest home. I remember going and visiting her from time to time but didn’t know that much about her. At that age, my biggest worry was that her age spots would jump onto my skin! One Sunday, after I was newly married, a woman at my church began her lesson by telling us that she was going to talk about the 4 great Ann’s of Spanish Fork! To my surprise, one of the Ann’s was my great-grandma with the age spots! It filled my heart with pride to hear how this dear lady would feed those less fortunate than herself when they would pass through town. This was amazing because, at a young age, she had become a widow and was raising her three kids. She was truly a Wonder Woman!


My grandma Ainge also was a #WonderWoman in my eyes! When I was little, she would always make my outfits and spoil me. This woman took care of her own mom and the mom of my grandpa. She also worked as a supervisor in school lunch and raised 4 daughters.  I truly saw her power more clearly after I was married and had 4 kids of my own. Anytime I needed help with my kids, she was there! She never missed a birthday, a school celebration, or making a phone call to let my kids know how proud she was of them! My kids loved this woman with all their hearts and still speak of her often. Because of the example that these two fine ladies have given me, I hope I can live up to them.



I was reminded of the other incredible ladies in my life when I went to Walmart to pick up my daughter’s favorite drink, Dr Pepper!  There on the side of the box was Wonder Woman! The Dr Pepper Wonder Woman packaging is so great! I suggest you go to Walmart and pick some up today. And then make sure you go see the Wonder Woman movie when it hits theaters on June 2nd! I used to love that show when I was a kid! I’m thrilled that they are featuring a strong, independent woman for my 14-year-old to see! It’s a fun way for girls to get excited about being a woman and focusing on their own strength and individual powers.


The chain of strong women continues in my family! My daughter Jessica, is the proud mother of 4 beautiful kids. When she was pregnant with her second child, she couldn’t feel the baby moving. Following that motherly instinct, she went to the doctor to have the baby checked. She was told that she needed an emergency c section because the baby was in distress.  Miss Gracie was born 7 1/2 weeks early. This 7-year-old is a healthy, happy girl because her mom had the strength to follow her heart and not listen to those who thought she was overreacting. I am so proud that I come from a long line of strong and independent women and that the tradition is continuing. It’s a great time to celebrate and show love to those women around us that teach and fight for their families. I’m proud to say that I’m walking in Wonder Woman’s footsteps!

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