Battling the Dreaded Baby Blues and 5 EASY things that help

Battling the Dreaded Baby Blues and 5 EASY things that help

Battling the Dreaded Baby Blues and 5 EASY things that help! We’re getting all sorts of real here today. So if you don’t like real life, move on to the next post. Winking smile Battling the baby blues is not so much fun, and my experience may be different from yours.

This is not intended to treat any illness or offer medical advice in any way. It’s just my experience and things that have helped me to feel better when dealing with the baby blues or post-partum depression.




Battling the Dreaded Baby Blues and 5 EASY things that help

I don’t think most moms want to admit that they feel a little sad after they have their baby. I mean, what’s there to be sad about? You have a beautiful new little piece of heaven, and to say that you’re sad almost feels like you’re saying you aren’t happy about having that sweet little babe.

At least, that’s how I feel about it. I love my kids more than myself about a thousand times over, and I know that they are the biggest source of my joy, but lately, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed and a little blue.

A-new-arrival (65)

This is totally NOT me. I would consider myself to be a pretty positive person most of the time, so I hate to admit it, but I definitely have the baby blues.
I don’t feel like I want to harm anyone, but I just find myself getting angry about things that I used to be able to handle. I cry over stupid things. I have anxiety about stupid things.

There are days when I feel like I don’t want to do anything but I feel totally overwhelmed because there’s SO much to do. The struggle is real peeps!
The main thing that stresses me out is a dirty house. I don’t feel good if my house is in shambles. It’s just the truth…

So, when do I find the time to clean the house? My kids need to eat 3 times a day. They need clean clothes. The baby needs to eat 8-12 times a day. She also needs to be snuggled and loved, soothed, and comforted. There’s also this thing called showering; which I’m quite fond of. There’s homework, dance lessons, scouts, piano lessons, Lego Club, HOA meetings, blogging, and my church calling.

My husband thinks we should cut some things out, and he’s probably right. I can’t do it though.


I know most of you are probably thinking, “Just enjoy it, it doesn’t last long.” I am also totally aware of that. In fact, I cried on all of my kid’s birthdays this year, realizing that they are growing way too fast, and it breaks my heart.

A-new-arrival (102)


I love being a mommy. It’s totally rewarding for me, and because I don’t want to wish my life away,  I wrote down 5 things that make me feel better, and help me to relax a little.
I hope these help you too if you’re struggling. I also want to say that, if you are having a hard time and it’s more than you can handle, don’t be ashamed to talk to a doctor. Post-partum depression is real, and your doctor would love to help you.
Okay, here are 5 EASY things that make me feel better when I’m feeling lousy.

  • Open all the blinds and let in the light. Sometimes it’s tempting to stay in bed all day, but that’s just going to make me feel worse. Opening the windows makes me feel ready to conquer the day. If it’s not freezing outside, I also crack the window to let in some fresh air.
  • Light a candle. Smells have the power to perk me up, and even if it’s not too clean in my house, it will smell wonderful; which always makes me feel a little better. I especially like fruity scents!
  • Take a bath. I bet some of you are laughing thinking, “How do I do that with a screaming baby?” And that’s exactly what I do. I fill the tub up and then get in with my baby. She is soothed by the sound and feel of the water, and I can hold her, face-up, on my chest and watch her kick her legs. I just make sure I have towels, a diaper, and clothes ready to go before I get in. My other kids can be bribed with a movie, and I just turn on the baby monitor so I can hear them.
  • Strap the baby on and clean the room you’re in. You don’t have to clean the entire house to feel happy. Just clean the room you spend the most time in and shut the other doors. Imagine they’re clean if you can.
  • Call someone. I always feel better when I talk to my mom or sister. Even just listening to their day gets my mind off of myself. I do a little venting too, and I appreciate them being there for me.

So I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but we all have moments when we’re not feeling our best, and sometimes talking about it is all the therapy we need. Hopefully, these small and simple things help you!
What did you do when you were feeling in the dumps? Please share your tips! Us moms got to stick together, right?!


4 thoughts on “Battling the Dreaded Baby Blues and 5 EASY things that help”

  1. Jessica, I feel for you. While I didn't have post-part depression, I have had depression in my life. I love that you're addressing the issue and giving hope to others that you can do little things that help!

    I find that I don't wear jewelry as much when I'm down. So I decided to make myself wear a ring or bracelet to use as a baby step to doing something positive to try and combat the feelings. It's not a cure but a conscience decision. That's what your list is. A great way to get going in a positive direction!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks for your comment. I think getting dressed and adding things like jewelry can definitely help you feel a little better. Especially after having a baby and not many things fit. Jewelry usually fits!
      Baby steps are always good. And even though they won't solve the problem, I do feel like I have a choice to either feel sorry for myself or do what I can to help improve my mood. Thanks for reading Mary!

  2. Not an Infantino Carrier!!! So uncomfortable. I agree though baby wearing helps a lot, especially to get stuff done. More sleep (which is a joke), Starbucks (seriously it's my lifeline some days), antidepressants

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