Housework for Housework Haters

Housework for Housework Haters

Housework for Housework Haters

Housework for Housework Haters

I hate housework. Which seems to be an unfortunate hate to have in life since it routinely needs to be done. Due to my dislike and what I would like to claim as creativity though, I have developed some unorthodox ways to get your housework done while still enjoying life!

Housework for Housework Haters

1. 5 Minute Clean: Have you noticed that you seem to get more cleaned the five minutes before someone arrives than you usually do in a month? Use that to your advantage! When you find yourself having one of those “the house needs to be cleaned but there are a million other things I’d rather be doing” moments, time yourself! (Yeah this is for real.) You will be a lot more effective because instead of taking a break every thirty seconds to look at Pinterest, you’ll stay focused on cleaning, it won’t feel so dreadful and time consuming, and you’ll be surprised at how much you can do in just five minutes.

2. Laundry Exercises: Are you a multi-tasker? Tackle your laundry and your cardio workout at the same time! Crank the music and put your freshly cleaned laundry up on a bed or couch for easy access. Then start with some basic cardio moves as you sort and fold! (It’s easier than you think) For example: jog in place, grape vine, side steps, kicks, lunges, squats, half jacks, torso twist, etc. just get creative and let the music take over! (WARNING: do not do this in front of your husband. He will literally think you’ve gone crazy…)

3. Deep Clean Challenge: Everything’s more fun if it’s a game right? Choose your weapon of choice, (Clorox wipes, windex, steamer, lime away, etc.) and give yourself (or your kids) a time limit. Then move around the house and see how much you can clean with that weapon in the time limit.

4. Fitness Attitude: I once heard on the radio that the reason women are more overweight now as opposed to “back then” is because we do a lot less housework. This may or may not be true, but it helps me to imagine that I’m getting some tonnage in while I’m cleaning! When ever you’re scrubbing/bending/reaching/stretching while cleaning exaggerate it so that you for sure are getting a workout!

5. When all else fails…. crank the music and just do it!


Housework for Housework Haters

16 thoughts on “Housework for Housework Haters”

  1. I love it!! All of these tips are fabulous! I neeeeeeeeed your help! I am going to try the game in number 3 with my kids. Hope they will go for it…
    I also enjoyed the warning on number 2… 🙂
    I think my husband is already convinced that I am crazy…. !!! hahahaha
    hugs x, Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

  2. I am sitting here right now dreading that I need to get the Monster out (the vacuum) and get busy with the house. I know I have to do it. The weird thing is, once I get going, I can't stop!! *LOL* Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love my family, I love my home, I hate housework. Tip #5 is what really gets me going – that combined with #1 maks me the most productive. Thanks for the pep talk! (stopping by from the Living Proverbs 31 today)

  4. I am definately a 5 minute cleaner, I usually do a quick clean on my way to bed so when I wake up the dishes are all hidden in the dishwasher and the coushins are all lined up on the couch neat and pretty 🙂

  5. These are great ideas! I enjoy doing housework when I have time, but when I am busy it stresses me out. I need to use the "5 minute clean" a little more often. Thanks for sharing with Hump Day Happenings!

  6. Great tips! I'm like you too and play music nice and loud when I need cleaning inspiration!

    My weekly Say G'day Saturday linky party is on right now and this would be such a great addition. Hope you can stop by and say g'day soon!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  7. I think I need to do a few of these right now.
    I recently invented a new technique called The Dirtiest Places. I made a list and ranked them by dirtiest (as in dust and dirt, not needing straightening) and then have been focusing on just that.

  8. My husband {and children} would die laughing to see me running in place while folding laundry! I am so doing it tonight! 😉

    Pinning! Please share this post at my Show-Licious Party on Saturday morning!

    {big hugs}
    ~ Ashley

  9. Amen to these tips! I am known to often lunge from one end of the house to the other to put things away while cleaning. I definitely love the timing yourself one. I usually do housework when my son goes down, which is my blogging time so I have an incentive to do it as fast as possible. Xxx

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