Introducing Baby Haden!


Introducing Baby Haden!

Introducing Baby Haden
Photo by Beverly Photography

Yep, he’s here! And he’s perfect. And cute. And adorable. And… Tiring. It is crazy how exhausting the newborn stage is! I tried to be mentally prepared but I almost think it’s impossible because each baby is so different.

Luckily Haden seems to be a great sleeper and hardly ever cries. It definitely hasn’t been bliss though. I got Mastitis the third day I was home. If you’ve never had it count your blessings because it seriously feels like death! The antibiotics they gave me didn’t work so it spread all over and I had it for five days! At one point I had to be spoon-fed because I couldn’t even feed myself I was in so much pain.


I almost lost myself in depression when I finally felt better only to go to the doctor and discover that Haden was drastically losing weight. The Mastitis had almost destroyed my milk supply but I had no clue because he was too weak to act hungry. I felt like such a horrible mom for not realizing that he wasn’t getting fed. Thank heavens for formula and pumping! With a lot of hard work I think I’ve gotten my supply back and Haden has amazingly been gaining weight rapidly!

Luckily my mom is an angel and helped me through it. I don’t know how anyone has a baby and survives if they don’t have a mom like mine. She literally comes over every day, spent the night at the worst moments, cleaned every part of our house including the bathrooms, and still had energy to make us lots of dinners.


My two-year-old Cooper, I’m sure would also like me to thank his Grandma’s and Grandpa’s of both sides for taking such good care of him and entertaining him while mama had “owies”. I am so glad we live so close to our families and that they are so willing to help! Cooper loves going to their houses because they make it so much fun for him, and I am so grateful!



My ward and neighbors have also been amazing! They organized meals for us when we first came home, and then when they discovered I had Mastitis they brought even more food! I don’t think our fridge has ever been that full before! (I also don’t think

I’ve ever had such amazing chocolate cake and we were given two of them, so if you’re waiting for posts about how I’m losing all my baby fat well… I’m not! I will try to get their recipes and post them though because they need to be shared!)

I am also so so grateful for such good friends who have checked in on me and kept me sane with advice and adult conversation!! I couldn’t do life without you!

And finally, a huge shout out to my amazing husband who has to put up with a lot of tears and a lot of irrational thinking when I’m not getting a lot of sleep. He is so helpful and so so patient! He is always happy and knows exactly how to keep me laughing through anything. He is my everything and I wouldn’t want anyone else raising my boys.


If there’s one thing I’ve learned about navigating through pregnancy and the newborn phase its that gratitude is your best weapon. You can either feel guilty about not being able to keep up or you can be grateful for all the people who are there to help you.

Through my experiences being a mom I have definitely come to believe that we are on this earth for a reason, and that sometimes we are meant to be a burden so that others have the opportunity to serve. I hate feeling weak or incapable of doing things by myself but I am so so grateful for everyone who has taken the time to encourage me, help me, and think of me as I’ve brought this new little being into the world! I love you little Haden and I’m so glad I get to be your mom!


13 thoughts on “Introducing Baby Haden!”

  1. Congratulations! Such a Precious boy and a beautiful family! I'm so sorry you had to go through mastitis and then the emotional pain too with your little guy. I'm so glad you are back to better health and so is he.

  2. Congratulations on your beautiful new son! He is so precious. I'm so glad you shared your honest reflections on what you went through. It is so helpful to other mothers. Thank you so much for sharing Baby Haden with us on the Healthy Happy Green and Natural Party Blog Hop. I'm pinning and sharing.

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